Sponsorship Opportunities
As part of our efforts to engage sponsors in our programming, and to maximize every effort to promote your support, we have created the following packages for sponsorship. If there is not a package that completely fits your needs, we can craft something that works for everyone! Please note there are also some “a la carte” items at the end to fit any budget. All donating organizations get their name in the program, a thank you card from an ambassador, and an IRS donation acknowledgement receipt.
Lead Seminar Sponsor $10,000
Banner/company logo at registration desk and group conference room throughout entire weekend
Company logo placed on HOBY Seminar T-shirts
Company Logo prominently placed on HOBY Pennsylvania East Website
Opportunity to serve on a session panel
Special recognition in Program Book and at closing ceremonies (attended by families of all participants)
Chance to add brochure, flier, or coupon to parents’ exit packet
This contribution sponsors 20 students to attend the seminar OR covers nearly one day of the seminar
Executive Seminar Sponsor $5,000
Company Logo Poster at all sessions in group conference room
Company logo placed on HOBY Seminar T-shirts
Special recognition in program book, closing ceremonies, and on HOBY Pennsylvania East website
Opportunity to serve on a session panel
Chance to add brochure, flier, or coupon to parents’ exit packet
This contribution sponsors 10 students to attend the seminar OR covers the Leadership for Service volunteer activity of the seminar
Gold Seminar Sponsor $2,500
Special Recognition/Company Logo in program book, at closing ceremonies, and HOBY Pennsylvania East website
Opportunity to serve on a session panel
Chance to add brochure, flier, or coupon to parents’ exit packet
This contribution sponsors 5 students to attend the seminar
Silver Seminar Sponsor $1,000
Special Recognition/Company Logo in program book, at closing ceremonies, and HOBY Pennsylvania East website
Opportunity to serve on a session panel
Chance to add brochure, flier, or coupon to parents’ exit packet
Friend of HOBY Pennsylvania East $500
Special Recognition/Company Logo in program book and HOBY Pennsylvania East website
Chance to add brochure, flier, or coupon to parents’ exit packet